Laura Arias
Freelance illustrator  ♥‿♥
Laura, study Graphic Desing in the University Of Buenos Aires, where she was also a teacher, althought it found its place in the children illustration. As an freelance illustrator, her work is mostly focused in the development of children drawings for: textbooks, picture books, toys and clothes, in Argentina and the rest of the world.
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Amplify Education Inc | Ediciones SM Puerto Rico | ETC Art Procurement | Findel-education | Galison Mudpuppy | Houghton Mifflin Harcourt | Kennedy Publishing UK | McGraw-Hill Education | Our Sunday Visitor | Oxford University Press | Pearson Education Limited | Penguin | Planeta Junior Chile | RedNova | Robots and Cupcakes | Rubicon | Santillana USA | Scholastic Inc | Silver Editions | Six Red Marbles | Speakaboos | Steve Curtis Design | Yoyo Books.

Anchus | Billiken | Edebe | Editora Estelar | Editorial Atlantida | Editorial Puerto de Palos | Ediciones SM Argentina | Flow Kids | Johnson&Johnson | La Valijita | Ministerio de Educacion ARG | OhLALA | Olifant | Piccolo | Rossi Equipamientos | Tinta Fresca Ediciones | Tipoteo | Uranito | Fundacion Leer | Zuppa.